The Lord preserved my life and sustained our family through my first difficult years of life. As I shared in the first part of my testimony, God redirected my parents from the mission field to service in the States. When I was only a few months old, my dad accepted a call to serve as interim pastor at a church in Georgetown, Illinois.Since my dad was a …
Pentecost Then and Now, Part 2
On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Jerusalem. They preached fearlessly, and by the end of the day about three thousand people were baptized. In the first article in this series, we looked at what Pentecost reveals about what the church was and will continue to be until gathered in eternal praise around the throne of God. In …
Pentecost Then and Now, Part 1
Pentecost is remembered as the day the church was born. Yet Pentecost is much more, revealing what the church was, is, and will continue to be until all the redeemed are gathered in eternal praise around the throne of God. In the events of that day, we see how the church is to proclaim the gospel: by the power of the Spirit, for the sake of the …
Susan’s Testimony
I was born in Daegu, South Korea. When I was 8 years old, my family immigrated to the United States. Ever since I can remember, I went to church with my family. I heard about Jesus and believed in Him at a young age. My parents had family devotions every day. So, I followed their example and had my own worship and time with God from a young age. I …
Aaron’s Testimony, Part 1
When I was born, the doctor knew something was wrong. My lips, fingers, and toes were blue. The doctor told my mom that I was a “wet baby”. I didn’t have the strength to nurse and keep down my milk. My birth weight was a mere 5 pounds 13 ounces, but by the time my mom took we home, I was down to 5 pounds. We would discover later that a valve in my heart …