Let’s remember to pray for the advance of the written Word.
O Lord our God, our heavenly Father, the heavens declare Your glory; the earth and skies reveal Your work. Their testimonies reach to the ends of the earth. How much greater is Your Word, O Lord. It stands firm in the heavens. It is a lamp for our feet, a light along our path. Help us who have Your Word to keep it in our hands and hearts, to hunger for it more earnestly, to live by it daily. Lord, may those who translate Your Word persevere with a renewed joy, being encouraged and nourished by Your Word as they make it available to others. Please grant them greater understanding, a growing boldness based on Your truths, and a deeper submission to the Scriptures so that their work and lives may honor You. Hasten the day, O Lord, when all who love You and Your Word are gathered around your throne, from every tribe, tongue, and nation, praising You with one voice, in one heavenly tongue, for all eternity. And until that day, give us the strength to rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and devote ourselves to prayer. We pray in our Savior’s name. Amen.