Bible translation is about far more than choosing a version. With so many Bible translations in English, it's not surprising that our first question is often about which translation is best. Yet so many ethnic groups don’t even have a first translation in their language. For many, the thought of Bible translation evokes images of missionaries in a remote …
Bible Translation
When John Calvin Went Public
In 1534, John Calvin embraced the Reformation and experienced salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone. In response to rising persecution, Calvin fled France and sought refuge in Basel, Switzerland, arriving in January 1535. While in Basel, Calvin took on a pseudonym and sought out other French reformers. It is very likely that he met his cousin …
John Calvin on Bible Translation
In 1535, John Calvin wrote two prefaces for the newly translated French Bible, a work of his cousin Pierre Robert Olivetan. The first preface was in Latin and appeared at the front of the Bible; the second preface was in French and appeared at the beginning of the New Testament. In the second preface, Calvin introduces the reader to the New Testament and …
John Calvin on Christ and the Scriptures in Translation
John Calvin was one of the most influential leaders of the Protestant Reformation. In 1536, he published his most significant work, Institutes of the Christian Religion. He continued to revise and expand this book over the course of his life. However, a year before its publication, Calvin wrote a concise statement about Christ and the Scriptures, which …
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Translation for the Glory of the Lamb
What comes to mind when you think of Bible translation? Millions without a Bible and no way to know Christ? A missionary preaching with an open Bible in hand? The need for a faithful translation in your own language? Yet there is another image that we should consider. In Revelation, the apostle John witnessed a vision of heaven and unending praise …