Should we translate for the world, the languages of the world, or the church? The ultimate purpose of Bible translation is to equip the church to read, preach, and teach the Word in the languages of the nations, to the glory of our triune God. But why highlight the church? Isn’t the Bible for everyone? Why not translate for the whole language …
Bible Translation
Why They Have No Bible
When I reach for my Bible, I must ask myself, which one? I have several Bibles: several versions, basic texts and study Bible editions. And I am not the only one so blessed. The average American family has three Bibles. It is not surprising that most Americans assume everyone has a Bible in their own language. It may come as a shock that an estimated …
A Prayer for Bible Translation
Let's remember to pray for the advance of the written Word. O Lord our God, our heavenly Father, the heavens declare Your glory; the earth and skies reveal Your work. Their testimonies reach to the ends of the earth. How much greater is Your Word, O Lord. It stands firm in the heavens. It is a lamp for our feet, a light along our path. Help us who have …
What is the Ultimate Purpose of Bible Translation?
Why translate the Bible? What is the purpose of translating into a given language? Some say the purpose is to provide a language community with the Scriptures. That explains the task to a certain extent but doesn’t say anything about the unique character of the Bible or the relationship between God and humanity. A more biblically-grounded statement might …
Read More about What is the Ultimate Purpose of Bible Translation?
Pentecost Then and Now, Part 2
On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples in Jerusalem. They preached fearlessly, and by the end of the day about three thousand people were baptized. In the first article in this series, we looked at what Pentecost reveals about what the church was and will continue to be until gathered in eternal praise around the throne of God. In …