If you are interested in Bible translation, you have probably heard of such terms as 'accuracy,' 'naturalness,' 'biblical languages,' and 'key terms.' In the last couple decades, translators have started using the term 'translation brief.' A translation brief is a document which describes the translation project and includes the purpose, timing of the …
Bible Translation
10 Reasons to Read the Bible Aloud in Church
Why do we read the Scriptures aloud as part of our worship services? Is it just tradition? Is it part of preparing the congregation for the sermon? Or it is more? I would like to present ten reasons for reading the Bible aloud as part of congregational worship, starting with the commands of Scripture and finishing with the benefits of …
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The Role of the Holy Spirit in Translation, Part 2
In the first article in this series, I proposed that the importance of the ministry of Bible translation cannot be fully appreciated unless we grasp its relationship to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit ministers in each and every language, both through the spoken and written Word of God. Therefore, the translators of Scripture have a critical part in …
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The Role of the Holy Spirit in Translation, Part 1
It is essential to understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit in order to fully appreciate the importance of Bible translation. God the Father works through the Holy Spirit to minister in each and every human language, communicating His truth to transform the hearts of God’s people. It follows that the Holy Spirit is the power of the triune God …
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12 Steps Toward a Theology of Translation
We must have a biblically-based theology of Bible translation in order to correctly understand the importance of the task, its place in the purposes of God for humanity, and its ultimate potential to give glory to God. As a preliminary step in developing such a theology, I offer twelve propositions that provide a scriptural basis for reflecting on the …